
The Genron NPO ― a non-profit, nonpartisan think tank
independent from government and any interest

The Genron NPO is a not-for-profit think tank that conducts activities independent and impartially from any government interest or specific concern. In order to maintain such independence and impartiality, The Genron NPO became the first organization in Japan to develop a self-evaluation system regarding its "non-political and non-religious" position, based on standards set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States. The Genron NPO conducts an annual self-evaluation and releases the findings to the public. Furthermore, The Genron NPO's auditors evaluate the self-evaluation process and content, as well as the results.

In this manner, The Genron NPO makes its self-evaluation results and outside evaluation openly available to the general public. Making such information public indicates that The Genron NPO adopts a system in which the citizens ultimately decide whether its activities are in the public interest.

The Genron NPO's Self Evaluation

The Genron NPO has own evaluation method which consists of two evaluation processes which are negative check list to confirm non-political and non-religious position, also contents evaluation of 5* subjective standards. Every program is categorized to 8 fields and they are conducted self-evaluation by 18 evaluation categories of non-political and 12 categories of non-religious standards. The results is open with comments from 2 opinion supervisors.

Our activities between April 2016 and March 2017 has passed all categories.

※ ① Certainty of purpose
  ② Certainty of position
  ③ Certainty of target
  ④ Certainty of methods for program establishment
  ⑤ Governance for decision-making and transparency

How Our Self-Evaluations are Conducted:
