THE Genron NPO


THE GENRON NPO QUADRUPLE DIALOGUEThe future of Northeast Asia and public opinion
in Japan, the U.S., China and South Korea

November 13, 2016

12TH TOKYO-BEIJING FORUMExperts eye private-sector Japan-China
cooperation in sustaining global economy

October 04, 2016

12TH TOKYO-BEIJING FORUMJapanese, Chinese experts mull road map
toward peace in Northeast Asia

October 03, 2016

12TH TOKYO-BEIJING FORUMJapanese, Chinese delegates adopt call for
early launch of crisis management mechanism

September 30, 2016

12TH TOKYO-BEIJING FORUMJapanese, Chinese delegates exchange candid views on sensitive bilateral issues, future collaboration

September 27, 2016
Opinion Polls

Polls show Sino-Japan public sentiment worsens; direct interaction key to improvement

September 27, 2016
Opinion Polls

The 12th Japan-China Joint Opinion Poll Analysis Report on the Comparative Data(2016)

September 23, 2016

THE 4TH JAPAN-KOREA FUTURE DIALOGUEBetter Japan-South Korea relations
sought at annual private-sector forum

September 13, 2016

Japanese pessimistic about the future
while Indonesian, Indian people more hopeful joint poll

August 25, 2016
Opinion Polls

Japanese pessimistic about the future
while Indonesian, Indian people more hopeful joint poll

August 25, 2016

THE GENRON NPO OPEN FORUMExperts from Japan, Indonesia and India
discuss how to address issues of democracy

August 24, 2016
Opinion Polls

The 4th Japan-South Korea Joint Public Opinion Poll (2016)
Analysis Report on Comparative Data

August 15, 2016
Opinion Polls

FINDINGS OF THE FOURTH JOINT OPINION POLLSCourse of Japan-S. Korea relations uncertain
despite better signs in people's mutual feelings

July 26, 2016

Round-table discussionExperts foresee tough road ahead
for Britain's planned EU exit

July 13, 2016

Round-table discussionIs democracy the answer to the complex
issues facing global society today?

July 10, 2016

Roundtable discussionTrump as U.S. president unlikely to weaken
U.S.-Japan alliance, experts say

July 10, 2016

Kudo's Blog;Wisdom must be gathered
to encourage anti-populist moves

June 24, 2016

KUDO'S BLOGWisdom must be gathered
to encourage anti-populist moves

June 24, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Council of Councils : Report Card on International Cooperation 2015-2016Global think tank leaders grade
the world's performance and prospects

June 18, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Council of Councils : Report Card on International Cooperation 2015-2016The Genron NPO releases its evaluation
of international cooperation on 10 major issues

June 17, 2016
World Agenda Studio

What's on the Agenda for the 2016 G7 Summit?

June 17, 2016

THE GENRON NPO FORUMWhat role can civil diplomacy play
in maintaining the international order?

June 12, 2016

THE GENRON NPO FORUMWhat role can civil diplomacy play
in maintaining the international order?

June 12, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Appeal to the 2016 G-7 Summit in Japan

March 31, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Kishida lauds private-sector debate
as indispensable for new world order

March 31, 2016
World Agenda Studio

WORLD AGENDA 2016Opinion leaders from 8 nations discuss
global politics, economy at Tokyo forum

March 31, 2016

Round-table discussion:Approach may be bumpy, but hard landing
for China economy unlikely, experts say

March 25, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Round-table discussionApproach may be bumpy, but hard landing
for China economy unlikely, experts say

March 24, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Round-table discussionWorld economy must be realigned
to counter China's economic slowdown

March 24, 2016

Round-table discussion:World economy must be realigned
to counter China's economic slowdown

March 24, 2016

Japanese Journalist Survey Results Analysis

March 19, 2016

DIALOGUE WITH JOURNALISTSOverseas journalists, Japanese experts discuss
future of liberal democracy, peace-building in Asia

March 19, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Round-table discussionWorld struggles for new Middle East order
following Iran's nuclear deal

February 20, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Experts eye greater role for Japan in restoring
stability to global political situation

February 20, 2016
World Agenda Studio

The Genron NPO's new World Agenda Council
to promote debate on global issues

February 20, 2016
World Agenda Studio

On the launch of the World Agenda Council

February 20, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Experts call for better Japan-China relations
to build peaceful order in Northeast Asia

February 11, 2016

Making 2016 a year for the Japanese
to seriously contemplate the global agenda

February 10, 2016

We must formulate in-depth discussion
and present the choices to the public

February 10, 2016

Japan needs an open platform where mature
debate even about taboo issues is possible

February 10, 2016

Japan needs to help resolve global agenda
by providing science and technology

February 10, 2016

Japan needs to keep looking outward
and realize proactive pacifism

February 10, 2016
World Agenda Studio

Japan must bring energy policy in line with Paris climate accord, experts say

January 30, 2016

Abe Cabinet scores 2.7 out of 5 in Genron policy evaluation

January 01, 2016

Abe Cabinet gets mixed reviews
from influential figures: Genron NPO poll

January 01, 2016

A NEW YEAR'S GREETING FOR 2016Network of like-minded individuals for problem-solving to be created

January 01, 2016

Advisors, supporters exchange views on the current state of Japan's democracy

December 01, 2015

14th Anniversary PartyThe Future of Japan and the Responsibility of Public Debate

November 26, 2015

Non-governmental dialogue serves as foundation for peace-building efforts in Asia

November 26, 2015

Genron NPO official English Web site renewed

November 26, 2015
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