About the Tokyo ConferenceTo Address Issues Facing Us - Freedom and Democracy In Danger-

March 08, 2017

tokyoconference.pngThe Tokyo Conference will serve as a multilateral platform for dialogue on diverse global issues, by engaging the world's leading think tanks, and aims to submit our proposal to the Group of Seven (G-7) leaders.

Our immediate concern is that the international order since the end of World War II, rooted in the principles of "individual freedom" and "democracy," could be undermined. Depending on the actions and decisions of the new U.S. administration and the outcomes of upcoming elections in Europe, the liberal international system and international collaboration based on multilateralism will have to confront major hardships, and it is anticipated that democracy itself may face serious setbacks in democratic states.

At this critical juncture, the representatives of the 10 advanced democracies, which share the fundamental values of "democracy" and "freedom," gather in Tokyo to conduct dialogue on global issues. The outcome of their discussions will be submitted as our proposal to the government of Japan and the G7. Even for Japan, this is quite an epoch-making endeavor. We base this multilateral platform for dialogue in Tokyo, because we, Japanese, must examine and grapple with global issues in earnest, in the belief that to address global issues squarely, it is necessary to strengthen democracy in Japan itself.

I sincerely hope that the Tokyo Conference will trigger a fresh movement to reaffirm the significance of "freedom" and "democracy" as our universal values, address global issues in collaboration with our partners abroad and strengthen Japanese democracy.

World Agenda Council (WAC)

World Agenda Council is an expert panel that The Genron NPO inaugurated in the spring of 2016, for the purpose of facilitating debate on global agenda in Japan by engaging Japan's prominent intellectuals and representatives of the world's leading think tanks. It debates about pressing global issues and delivers opinions and proposals from Tokyo to the leaders around the world, particularly to the G7 summit. It also serves as the steering committee of the Tokyo Conference.


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