Asia Peace Conference 2024
The US Presidential Election and Realizing Peace in Northeast Asia

August 18, 2024

On Tuesday September 3 and Wednesday September 4 The Genron NPO will host the Asia Peace Conference 2024, bringing diplomatic and security experts together with former military officials from Japan, the US, China, and South Korea to serve as a forum for multilateral dialogue aimed at preventing conflict and building peace in an increasingly unstable Northeast Asia.

Tensions in Northeast Asia remain high, with ongoing conflict between the United States and China, the Taiwan Strait, North Korea's continued nuclear weapons development, and increased military cooperation between North Korea and Russia. Additionally, the upcoming U.S. presidential election casts a shadow over security cooperation between the U.S. and its allies. Against this backdrop, twenty panelists from the four countries will engage in a dialogue titled "The U.S. Presidential Election and Realizing Peace in Northeast Asia."

Before the Asia Peace Conference, the results of the survey "Risks Threatening Peace in Northeast Asia 2024," based on an opinion survey of experts from Japan, the U.S., China, and South Korea, will be released. Further discussions will be conducted, grounded in the analysis provided by experts.

We hope you will be able to join us on Tuesday September 3 and Wednesday September 4 for the open forum. Please sign up from the below URL.

※Registration deadline: Friday, August 23



Asia Peace Conference Public Session

Date:Tuesday, September 3  10:00 am - 17:00 pm
    Wednesday, September 4  10:00 am -18:00 pm
Venue:International House of Japan, Iwasaki Hall
     (5-11-16, Minato-ku, Roppongi, Tokyo)
Host Organization: The Genron NPO
Supports:Toshiba International Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation

Day 1: September 3 (Tue.)

 1:30 pm-5:00 pm  Public Session         
   1:30-1:35  Opening Remarks
   1:35-3:10  Japan-US session
   3:10-3:20  Break
   3:20-5:00  Japan-US -South Korea session

Day 2: September 4 (Wed.)

 1:30 pm -6:00 pm  Open Forum
   1:30-1:50 Opening Remarks・Keynote Speech
   1:50-2:10 Organizer Remarks
   2:10-4:10 Special Session1
   4:10-4:20 Break
   4:20-6:00  Special Session2

List of Panelists

Moderator:Yasushi Kudo
Gary Roughead / Admiral, U.S. Navy (Retired) ※Online
Mark Montgomery / Executive Director, the Cyberspace Solarium Commission※Online
Daniel Russel / Former Assistant Secretary of State, the East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Christopher Johnstone / Senior Adviser and Japan Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Brad Glosserman / Senior Advisor, Pacific Forum
Sungnam Lim / Former First Vice Foreign Minister
Seong-mook Moon / Director of the Inter- Korean Affairs, Korea DMZ Council, Korea Research Institute for National Strategy, Army Brigadier General (Retired)
Hyoung-zhin Kim / Former Deputy National Security Advisor, Office of National Security, South Korea
Taekeun Heo / Former Deputy Minister of Defense Policy, ROK MND
Qingguo Jia / Former Dean, the School of International Studies, Peking University
Wei Ouyang / Vice Chairman, the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies
Gaoyue Fan / Former Chief Specialist, PLA Academy of Military Science,Retired Senior Colonel
Yoji Koda / Former Commander in Chief, the Self Defense Fleet
Masanori Nishi / Former Administrative Vice-Minister of Defense
Yuji Miyamoto / Former Director-General for Arms Control and Scientific Affairs, MOFA, Former Ambassador to Myanmar, Ambassador in charge of Okinawa, Former Ambassador to the People's Republic of China
Katsutoshi Kawano / Former Chief of Staff, the Japan Self-Defense Forces
Hitoshi Tanaka / Former?Deputy Minister?for Foreign Affairs

About Asia Peace Conference

The Asia Peace Conference is a track II multilateral forum for dialogue launched by The Genron NPO in 2020 with the cooperation of organizations in China, Korea, and the USA. One of the aims of the Conference is to bring together experts from Japan, the US, China, and South Korea to analyze regional security risks, to build crisis management mechanisms, and to formulate accident-prevention rules that will prevent conflict and build a sustainable peace in Northeast Asia. In addition, the Conference also aims to forge a common understanding between the four countries by serving as a forum for regional trust-building. Each year, experts, diplomats, policy makers, and others from the four countries involved in the fields of diplomacy and security gather in Tokyo to engage in dialogue.

The theme of the 2024 Asia Peace Conference is, "The US Presidential Election and Realizing Peace in Northeast Asia." The discussions will delve into the potential impact of the upcoming US presidential election and the de facto military alliance between North Korea and Russia, with a focus on the security environment of Northeast Asia, where concerns about a New Cold War are growing, and on the denuclearization of North Korea, on conflict avoidance in the Taiwan Strait, and other related issues. There have been discussions within the countries of Northeast Asia about increased military deterrence, but without sufficient intergovernmental dialogue, such efforts will fail to achieve anything but increased regional tension.

The 2024 Asia Peace Conference is one of the few Track II forums working to build trust through regular dialogue in the midst of these Northeast Asian security concerns. It will welcome roughly 20 diplomacy and security experts and officials from Japan, the US, China, and South Korea, with dialogues being held between all four nations, between Japan and the US, and between Japan, the US, and South Korea, all of which will deepen the discussion into the common issues these countries are facing.
※Registration deadline: Friday, August 23


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