The Tokyo Conference 2021
Agenda: "Tokyo Conference 2021" on March 22 - 23
March 10, 2021
Asia Peace Conference
North Korean nuclear issue and US-China conflict
greatest risks to peace in Northeast Asia in 2021
March 03, 2021
Asia Peace Conference
Consensus for the rules-based order; disagreement on how to achieve it
February 26, 2021
Asia Peace Conference
Event: Asia Peace Conference 2021 and Japan-U.S. Dialogue
February 18, 2021
Tokyo-Beijing Forum
The Tokyo-Beijing Forum 2020
VIDEO: The Post-COVID International Order: What roles for Japan and China?
November 13, 2020
The Tokyo Conference 2020
Keynote speeches: How can the world's democracies protect the liberal order?
March 01, 2020
The Tokyo Conference 2020
Panel discussion: Panelists exchange views on how to defend liberal global order
March 01, 2020
The Tokyo Conference 2020
Tokyo Conference 2020 “Declaration for the Future”Statement to the Group of Seven Summit in the United States
March 01, 2020
The Tokyo Conference 2020
The significance of the U.S. presidential elections and determining the form of a new international order
February 29, 2020
The Tokyo Conference 2020
Formulating an exit strategy for the US-China conflict and launching a new era in US-China co-existence
February 29, 2020
The Tokyo Conference 2020
Event: "Tokyo Conference 2020" on Feb. 29th and Mar. 1st
February 07, 2020
Asia Peace Conference
Asia Peace Conference Public Forum Session 1What are the top threats to peace in Northeast Asia?
February 06, 2020
Asia Peace Conference
Asia Peace Conference Public Forum Session 2Building a sustainable and stable order in Northeast Asia
February 06, 2020
Japan-U.S. Dialogue
Japan-U.S. Dialogue: Session 2
How Japan and the U.S. can work to realize peace in Northeast Asia
January 24, 2020
Asia Peace Conference
Establishment of the Asia Peace Conference, a multilateral effort to bring peace to Northeast Asia
January 23, 2020
Asia Peace Conference
Japan-U.S. Dialogue: Session 1
Diplomats and other speakers reaffirm need to maintain and develop the liberal order through the Japan-U.S. alliance
January 23, 2020
Asia Peace Conference
Asia Peace Conference Founding Consensus
January 21, 2020
Regional Multilateral Dialogue
Event: Japan-U.S. Dialogue 2020 and Asia Peace Conference
January 20, 2020
Asia Peace Conference
How Can We Build a Sustainable Peace in Northeast Asia?
January 14, 2020
Democracy Dialogue
Keynote Speech by Anders Fogh Rasmussen How Japan and Europe can help build a Global Alliance of Democracies
November 23, 2019
Democracy Dialogue
How to reinvent our democracy and liberal international order
Self-determination - is democracy on the tipping point?
November 22, 2019
Democracy Dialogue
How to reinvent our democracy and liberal international order
Rising populism, declining trust
November 22, 2019
Democracy Dialogue
The Tokyo Conference on Democracy 2019
November 19, 2019
Tokyo-Beijing Forum
Security in Northeast Asia and Japan and China's responsibility to build a peaceful order
November 09, 2019
Tokyo-Beijing Forum
Agreement on positive cooperation between Japan and China on trade, opening of financial markets, and more
November 08, 2019
Tokyo-Beijing Forum
15th Tokyo-Beijing Forum ends with calls for closer Sino-Japanese ties to address bilateral and global issues
October 29, 2019
Japan-Korea Future Dialogue
Rebuilding Japan-South Korea Relations
June 22, 2019
Japan-Korea Future Dialogue
Public Opinion on Japan-South Korea Relations
June 22, 2019
Japan-Korea Future Dialogue
The 7th Japan-Korea Future Dialogue 2019
June 22, 2019
Council of Councils
Report Card on International Cooperation 2018-2019International Cooperation Gets a Slightly Improved Grade
May 07, 2019
The Tokyo Conference
March 08, 2019
The Tokyo Conference
The Future of the International Order and Multilateralism:
Role of the G7 and G20
March 07, 2019
The Tokyo Conference
The Tokyo Conference 2019Expert Opinion Poll:
The U.S.-China Confrontation and the Future of the International Order
March 06, 2019
The Tokyo Conference
The Future of Free Trade and Multilateralism
March 04, 2019
The Tokyo Conference
VIDEO: "The U.S.‐China Confrontations and the Future of the International Order"
March 03, 2019
The Tokyo Conference
Tokyo Conference 2019Statement to the Group of Seven Summit in France
March 03, 2019
The Tokyo Conference
The Tokyo Conference 2019
March 03, 2019
The Tokyo Conference
The Tokyo Conference 2019
"The U.S-China Confrontation and the Future of the International Order"
February 27, 2019
Japan-U.S. Dialogue
Japan-U.S. Conference on Peace in Northeast Asia 2019 (2/2)A stable foundation to bring about peace and order
January 17, 2019
Japan-U.S. Dialogue
Japan-U.S. Conference on Peace in Northeast Asia 2019 (1/2)Rebuilding a system that has fallen into disrepair
January 17, 2019
Japan-U.S. Dialogue
Japan-U.S. Conference on Peace in Northeast Asia 2019
January 17, 2019
Regional Multilateral Dialogue
Japan-US-China-ROK Dialogue 2019 (2/2)Creating a forum for multilateral dialogue in Northeast Asia
January 16, 2019
Regional Multilateral Dialogue
Japan-US-China-ROK Dialogue 2019 (1/2)Creating a forum for multilateral dialogue in Northeast Asia
January 16, 2019
Regional Multilateral Dialogue
Japan-US-China-ROK Dialogue 2019
January 16, 2019
Democracy Dialogue
"What is the ideal form of democratic government for Asia?" (2/2)
November 28, 2018
Democracy Dialogue
"What is the ideal form of democratic government for Asia?" (1/2)
November 28, 2018
The Tokyo Conference
Can representative democracy restore public trust? (2/2)
November 26, 2018
The Tokyo Conference
Can representative democracy restore public trust? (1/2)
November 26, 2018
Tokyo-Beijing Forum
Japan and China share the responsibility
to maintain peace in Northeast Asia
October 18, 2018
Tokyo-Beijing Forum
Today's significance of the Sino-Japanese
peace and friendship treaty discussed
October 18, 2018