Ten of world's leading think tanks launch
new debate platform to address global issues

April 30, 2017


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On March 4, 2017, The Genron NPO has launched the Tokyo Conference, a newly initiated multilateral debate forum to address global issues. Representatives from leading think tanks from India, Brazil, Indonesia, and all of the Group of Seven (G-7) countries took part in discussions based on the theme, "The Future of Democracy, Liberalism, and the World Order." The think tanks represented at the conference all share concerns about a potential decline in individual freedoms, democracy and the rule of law.

The Tokyo Conference is designed to deliver the agreements or proposals resulting from the discussions at its open forum and closed sessions to the chair of the G7 summit and the Japanese government as well as several international organizations as its joint statement. Details on the content of the message can be found on the Genron NPO website. The contents of the discussions or the proposals are made to be broadly publicized and delivered to Japan and abroad.

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