日時:2019年3月3日(日)13:30~18:00 (13:00開場)
会場:ホテルオークラ東京 地下2階「アスコットホール」
13:30~13:45 開会挨拶、その他
13:45~16:00 セッション1
16:15~17:40 セッション2
17:40~18:00 閉会挨拶、声明発表
「東京会議」オープンフォーラム パネリスト一覧
サンジョイ・ジョッシ(インド/オブザーバー研究財団(ORF) 理事長)
フォルカー・ペルテス (ドイツ/ドイツ国際政治安全保障研究所(SWP)会長)
ロヒントン・メドーラ(カナダ/センター・フォー・インターナショナル・ガバナンス・イノベーション(CIGI) 総裁)
カルロス・イヴァン・シモンセン・レアル(ブラジル/ジェトゥリオ・ヴァルガス財団(FGV) 総裁)
<中国>魏加寧(国務院発展研究センター研究員) 他調整中
西村康稔 内閣副官房長官
浅川雅嗣 財務省 財務官
藤崎一郎 元駐米大使
河合正弘 環日本海経済研究所代表理事、前アジア開発銀行研究所長
第1セッション 問題提起
クライド・プレストウィッツ/Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr.
Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance
Clyde Prestowitz is founder and President of the Economic Strategy Institute. Mr. Prestowitz has played key roles in achieving congressional passage of NAFTA and in shaping the final content of the Uruguay Round, as well as providing the intellectual basis for current U.S. trade policies toward Japan, China, and Korea. Prior to founding ESI, Mr. Prestowitz served as counselor to the Secretary of Commerce in the Reagan Administration. There, he led many U.S. trade and investment negotiations with Japan, China, Latin America, and Europe. He has served as vice chairman of the President's Committee on Trade and Investment in the Pacific and sits on the Intel Policy Advisory Board and the U.S. Export-Import Bank Advisory Board. Mr. Prestowitz has a B.A. with honors from Swarthmore College; an M.A. in East-West Policies and Economics from the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii; and an M.B.A. from the Wharton Graduate School of Business.
浅川 雅嗣/Masatsugu Asakawa
1981年大蔵省入省後、アジア開発銀行総裁補佐官、理財局課長補佐、主計局主査を歴任。1996 年IMF(国際通貨基金)財政局審議役に出向。2008年9月内閣総理大臣秘書官、2009年9月から副財務官、2012 年 12 月から財務省国際局次長 兼 副総理・財務大臣秘書官、2013年 6月 28日から総括審議官、2014年 7月 4日から国際局長、2015年7月7日より現職。2011年から OECD租税委員会議長。1981年東京大学経済学部卒業、1985年プリンストン大学行政学大学院にて行政学修士。
Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, Ministry of Finance
Masatsugu Asakawa is currently serving as Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, and is responsible for all international policies of the Japanese Ministry of Finance. His responsibilities include
G20/IMF issues, foreign exchange rate policy, and development assistance. Since he joined the MOF in 1981, he has held many senior positions in the Ministry, including Director-General of the International Bureau(2014-15), Deputy Vice Minister for Policy Planning and Co-ordination(2013-14). He also served as Executive Assistant to the Prime Minister under the Aso Cabinet (2008-09).
Mr. Asakawa also has extensive experience outside the MOF. He served as Head for Technical Assistance Management Unit, Fiscal Affairs Department at the IMF (1996-2000), and also served as Executive Assistant to the President of Asian Development Bank (1989-1992). Since June 2011, he has been serving as a Chair for Committee on Fiscal Affairs, OECD. He obtained his BA from University of Tokyo (Economics Faculty) in 1981, and MPA from Princeton University, USA in 1985.
河合 正弘/Masahiro KAWAI
Professor Emeritus and Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo And Representative Director and Director General, Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA)
Dr. Masahiro KAWAI began his professional career as a Research Fellow at the Brookings Institution and then taught economics at The Johns Hopkins University and the University of Tokyo. Dr. Kawai also served as: Chief Economist for the World Bank's East Asia and the Pacific Region; Deputy Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs and President of the Policy Research Institute of Japan's Ministry of Finance; Special Advisor to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) President in charge of regional economic cooperation and integration; and Dean and CEO of the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI). While teaching at the University of Tokyo, he is also heading the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA), and is a Councilor of the Bank of Japan, a Senior Fellow at the Policy Research Institute of Japan's Finance Ministry, and a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Japan Forum on International Relations.
魏加寧/ WEI JiaNing
国務院発展研究センター研究員 国務院参事室金融研究センター研究員
1983年中国人民大学卒業。1997年、中国社会科学院学生院にて経済構造学博士号を取得。1988~1991年に、アジア経済研究所、東京大学、日本興業銀行などで客員研究員。1983年から現在まで、中国社会科学院科研局、国務院発展研究センターの中心的役割を担い、国務院発展研究センターのマクロ経済部副部長、研究員として勤務。危機管理を主軸としつつ、マクロコントロール、財政金融、体制改革を研究している。最近の著作は「地方政府债务风险化解与新型城市化融资(地方自治体の債務リスクの解決と新たな都市化資金調達)」「如何实现国家治理现代化----对改革基本问题的思考(国民統治の近代化をどう実現するか - 改革の基本的課題を考える)」など。
Research Fellow, Department of Macroeconomic Research, Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC);Director, China International Finance Association
Wei Jianing graduated from Renmin University of China in 1983 and received a Bachelor's Degree in national economic planning. From 1994 to 1997, he studied at Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and received PhD in economic structure comparison. From 1988 to 1991, he worked as visiting research fellow respectively at the Institute of Developing Economies of Japan External Trade Organization, the University of Tokyo and the Industrial Bank of Japan. From 1983, he worked in Department of Macroeconomic Research of DRC and took the posts respectively as associate research fellow, and Director of Finance Research Office of the Macroeconomic Research Department. He served as Deputy Director-General of Department of Macroeconomic Research and inspector of the department since 2013. The main research interest is macro economy, development strategy and regional economy, and economic system reform. He receives the allowance from the state council. Recent republications include "Chinese Government Debts" and "Advancing Modernization of National Governance."
第2セッション 問題提起

Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary
工藤 泰志/ Yasushi KUDO
President, The Genron NPO (Japan)
Yasushi Kudo is the founder and president of the Genron NPO since its establishment in 2001. In 2005, he launched annual civil dialogue ("Tokyo-Beijing Forum") and joint opinion poll between Japan and China, which have been conducted over the 12 years since then. In 2013, he newly launched a dialogue, the Japan-Korea Future Dialogue, between Japan and Korea and has conducted a comparative opinion poll on impression of each other's country. From 2012, Mr. Kudo has served as Japanese delegation of the Council of Councils, an international think tank network initiated by the Council on Foreign Relations. "The Asia Forum of Opinion Leaders" has also been established as a venue for open and free debate for intellectuals in Japan and Southeast Asian countries to jointly identify common challenges, and advocate solutions to them, while collaborating to bolster democracy and address challenges to democracy.
ジェームズ・M・リンゼイ/James M. LINDSAY
Senior Vice President, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (The United States of America)
James M. Lindsay is senior vice president, director of studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg chair at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He is a leading authority on the American foreign-policymaking process and the domestic politics of American foreign policy. From 2006 to 2009, he was the inaugural director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas at Austin. From 2003 to 2006, he was vice president, director of studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg chair at CFR. He has written widely on various aspects of American foreign policy, American government, and international relations.
ロヒントン・メドーラ/Rohinton P. MEDHORA
国際ガバナンス・イノベーションセンター(CIGI) 総裁(カナダ)
President, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) (Canada)
Rohinton P. Medhora is president of the Centre for International Governance Innovation, joining in 2012. He served on CIGI's former International Board of Governors from 2009 to 2014. Previously, he was vice president of programs at Canada's International Development Research Centre. He received his doctorate in economics in 1988 from the University of Toronto, where he subsequently taught. His fields of expertise are monetary and trade policy, international economic relations, aid effectiveness, and development economics.
フォルカー・ペルテス/Volker PERTHES
Executive Chairman and Director, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) (Germany)
Volker Perthes has been Executive Chairman and Director of SWP (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik), the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, since October 2005. In 2015/2016 he also served as UN Assistant Secretary General and Senior Adviser to the UN Special Envoy for Syria; from 2016 - 2018 he chaired the Ceasefire Task Force (CTF) for Syria on behalf of the UN. Volker Perthes earned his doctoral degree in 1990 and his habilitation in 1999 from the University of Duisburg and worked as assistant professor at the American University of Beirut from 1991 to 1993. Today, he teaches International Relations at Humboldt University Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin. Volker Perthes serves on various national and international bodies such as the Scientific Advisory Council of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) (as chairperson), the International Advisory Council of the Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS) or the Robert Bosch International Advisory Council. Dr Perthes is a frequent commentator in German and international media on German and European foreign and security policy, international relations and geopolitics, and regional dynamics and transitions in the Middle East.
エットレー・グレコ/Ettore Greco
Executive Vice President, Institute of International Affairs (IAI) (Italy)
Ettore Greco is Executive Vice President of the IAI and also heads the Italy's foreign policy and the Multilateralism and global governance programmes of the institute. He was also Director of the IAI from 2008 to 2017. He worked as visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution from January 2006 to July 2007. He taught at the universities of Parma and Bologna. From 2000 to 2006 he worked as correspondent for the Economist Intelligence Unit. From 1993 to 2000 he directed the IAI's program on Central and Eastern Europe. He was also Deputy Director of the IAI from 1997 to 2008. From 2000 to 2006 he was Editor of The International Spectator. He is the author of a number of publications on the EU's institutions and foreign policy, transatlantic relations and the Balkans. He has been a free-lance journalist since 1988.
レスリー・ヴィンジャムリ/Leslie Vinjamuri
汎大西洋関係、世界におけるアメリカの役割、国際秩序、紛争、介入について研究。各種国際会議への登壇、アメリカや世界のグローバルメディアにおいて、アメリカや世界について発言多数。英国下院外交委員会で人道的介入や保護する責任について証言した経験を持つ。ロンドン大学アジア・アフリカ研究学院(SOAS)では国際関係学准教授。ケンブリッジ大学出版局国際関係学グループ編集委員。LSE IDEASでは顧問委員、上級客員研究員を務める。現職以前には、ロンドン大学アジア・アフリカ研究学院の「紛争・権利・正義センター」ディレクターを務め、ジョージタウン大学外交政策大学院にて教鞭をとる。ハーバード大学、ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスにて、レジデンシャル・フェローシップを受けている。米国開発庁のアジア局、議会調査局の外交部門にて勤務していた。
Head of the US and the Americas Programme, Chatham House (United Kingdom)
Leslie Vinjamuri is Head of the US and the Americas Programme, and Dean of the Academy for Leadership in International Affairs. She writes and speaks on transatlantic relations, the US role in the world, international order, conflict, and intervention. She is a frequent panellist at conferences and comments regularly for the global media on US and the world. She has testified on the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee on Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect. Leslie is also an associate professor of International Relations at SOAS University of London. She is on the editorial board of the Cambridge Studies in International Relations at Cambridge University Press and on the advisory board of LSE IDEAS where she is also a Visiting Senior Fellow. Previously, she was Director of the Centre on Conflict, Rights and Justice at SOAS and prior to this, on the faculty of the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. She has held residential fellowships at Harvard University and the LSE. She worked in the Asia Bureau of USAID and the Foreign Affairs Division at Congressional Research Service.
アリス・エクマン /Alice EKMAN
中国の内政・外交政策、台湾、朝鮮半島専門。研究の関心はグローバルガバナンス、フォーラム外交、シンクタンクの発展。中国語に堪能であり、定期的に中国や東アジアでのフィールドワーク研究を行う。これまで清華大学、国立台湾大学、アサン政策研究所にて、客員研究員を歴任。現在は、アジア太平洋安全保障協力会議(CSCAP) のEU委員会のメンバーであり、欧州安全保障研究所(EUISS)へ中国に関する専門知識を提供している。パリ政治学院にて国際関係学博士号、ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスにて修士号取得。数ある出版物の中で特に近年では、中国の外交政策に関する著作("La Chine dans le monde", CNRS Editions, 2018)や、フランスとヨーロッパの一帯一路に対するアプローチについてのコレクティブレポート(Ifri, February 2019)を出版。
Head of China research, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) (France)
Alice Ekman is Head of China research at Ifri's Center for Asian Studies. She is also an Associate professor at Sciences Po in Paris. She specializes in China's domestic and foreign policy, Taiwan and the Korean peninsula. Her research interests also include global governance, forum diplomacy and the evolution of think tanks. Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, she regularly undertakes research fieldwork in China and East Asia. Dr. Ekman was formerly Visiting Scholar at Tsinghua University (Beijing), at National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei), and more recently at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies (Seoul). She is currently a member of the EU committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) and provides China expertise to the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS).She holds a PhD from Sciences Po in International Relations and a Master from the London School of Economics. She recently published a book on China's foreign policy ("La Chine dans le monde", CNRS Editions, 2018) and a collective report on France and Europe's approach towards the Belt & Road (Ifri, February 2019), among other publications ( www.ifri.org ).
サンジョイ・ジョッシ/Sunjoy JOSHI
オブザーバー研究財団(ORF) 理事長(インド)
Chairman, Observer Research Foundation (ORF) (India)
Sunjoy Joshi heads the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi as its Chairman and Chief Executive. His own field of work is in Energy and Environment, on which speaks, writes and comment on regularly. Looks at non-traditional security threats and the challenges to growth and employment faced by emerging economies in a world facing technological disruption on a scale never experienced before. As a member of the Indian Administrative Service has had long experience in Development and Economic policies of the Government of India. He has been Visiting Associate at the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London and Distinguished Visitor to the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development, University of Stanford. Takes keen interest in social development initiatives as Vice President of the Mountain Children's Foundation, a not for profit organization working with disadvantaged rural children in the Himalayas.
オン・ケンヨン/Keng Yong ONG
南洋理工大学S.ラジャラトナム国際研究院(RSIS)所長 (シンガポール)
Executive Deputy Chairman, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) (Singapore)
Ambassador ONG Keng Yong is Executive Deputy Chairman of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Concurrently, he is Ambassador-at-Large at the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs, non-resident High Commissioner to Pakistan and non-resident Ambassador to Iran. Mr. Ong also serves as Chairman of the Singapore International Foundation (SIF). Mr. Ong was High Commissioner of Singapore to Malaysia from 2011 to 2014. He served as Secretary-General of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), based in Jakarta, Indonesia from January 2003 to January 2008. Mr. Ong started his diplomatic career in 1979 and was posted to the Singapore Embassies in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and the United States of America. He was Singapore's High Commissioner to India and concurrently Ambassador to Nepal from 1996 to 1998. From September 1998 to December 2002, he was Press Secretary to the then Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Goh Chok Tong. At the same time, Mr. Ong held senior appointments in the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, and the People's Association in Singapore. From 2008 to 2011, he served as Director of the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.
カルロス・イヴァン・シモンセンレアル/Carlos Ivan SIMONSEN LEAL
President, Getulio Vergas Foundation (FGV) (Brazil)
Professor Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal is President of the Getulio Vargas Foundation since August 2000. In 1980, he graduated in Civil Engineering from the Engineering School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), but opted for an academic life and graduated in Mathematical Economics from the "Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada", in 1982. Doctor degree at the "Escola de Pós Graduação em Economia" - EPGE of Getulio Vargas Foundation (1980-1982) and obtained the title of Doctor in Economics from Princeton University (USA) in 1986. At FGV, he held the following positions: director of FGV Business, 1992-4; general director of EPGE, 1994-7; and vice-president of FGV, 1997-2000.
李根/ LEE Geun
ソウル国立大学 国際関係大学院 国際関係学教授
Professor of International Relations, Seoul National University
Geun Lee is Professor of International Relations at the Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University, and former Dean of Office of International Affairs, Seoul National University. From 2015 to 2016, He was visiting Super Global Professor at Keio University in Japan. He is also former President of an independent think tank, Mirezi, and former Chair of the Global Agenda Council on the Future of Korea of World Economic Forum (Davos Forum), and currently a member of Global Future Council of World Economic Forum. Before joining the faculty of Seoul National University, he served as a professor at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Republic of Korea. He also served as President of an independent think tank, Korea Institute for Future Strategies from 2003-2007. His publications include "The Clash of Soft Power between China and Japan," "Inter-Korean Relations and the US policy for Northeast Asia: A Theoretical Review and Policy Recommendations," "A Theory of Soft Power and Korea's Soft Power Policy," "The Nexus between Korea's Regional Security Options and Domestic Politics," "US Global Defense Posture Review and its Implications on US-Korea" and co-authored The Environmental Dimension of Asian Security. He received his B.A. in political science from Seoul National University, and M.A. and PhD in political science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, U.S.